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Image source: Who doesn't want to remain fit and young? I guess nobody! So, is that possible ?....YES! Slowing down the process of aging is possible. Our bodies have an incredible ability to repair and heal themselves, but for this to happen, we need to provide them with the proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle. However, don't expect miracles overnight. It's crucial to understand that there are no quick fixes, and achieving your ultimate goal requires patience and consistency. Therefore, here are 10 practical tips that you can follow to help you achieve your desired outcome. By following these tips, you can lead a healthier and happier life and slow down the aging process naturally. 1.) SOUND SLEEP Image source: Getting a good night's sleep is essential for maintaining a healthy and happy lifestyle. Sleep plays a crucial role in our health, as it helps our bodies recover and repair from the daily wear and tear.  Studies have shown tha...

FOODS that should not be Consumed or Paired with YOGURT!

Yogurt, also known as curd, is a widely consumed food item in many delicious dishes and desserts globally. However, did you know that certain foods are not recommended to be consumed or paired with yogurt?

Image source:

Yogurt is a good source of probiotics and is valued for its cooling properties. According to Ayurveda, every food has a unique taste, energy, qualities, and post-digestive effect. Pairing two or more foods with different tastes, energy, qualities, and post-digestive effects can lead to disturbances in the digestive fire, resulting in poor digestion, formation of gas, and bloating. This can further lead to the accumulation of toxins in the body, inadequate nourishment, and numerous health issues.

To maintain a healthy body through thoughtful eating, it is important to be aware of the details of which foods do not pair well with yogurt. We will explore the reasons behind this incompatibility and provide you with the knowledge you need to avoid possible health issues.

Understanding Ayurvedic Principles

Ayurveda is a time-honored healing system that originated in India thousands of years ago. It is rooted in the belief that the key to good health and well-being is maintaining a balance between the mind, body, and spirit. One of the fundamental principles of Ayurveda is that every food item has its own unique taste (rasa), energetic impact (virya), and post-digestive effect (vipaka). Understanding these qualities is essential for making informed choices about our diet. 

The taste or rasa of a food refers to its flavor, and Ayurveda identifies six distinct tastes: 
  • sweet
  • sour 
  • salty 
  • pungent 
  • bitter and 
  • astringent
Each taste has a specific effect on the body and mind. The energetic impact or virya of a food refers to its heating or cooling effect on the body. Some foods have a warming effect, while others have a cooling effect. The post-digestive effect or vipaka of a food refers to the taste that remains in the mouth after digestion. Some foods have a sweet vipaka, while others have a pungent or bitter vipaka.

According to Ayurvedic principles, every food item has its unique combination of rasa, virya, and vipaka, and combining foods with opposing qualities can lead to digestive issues and imbalances in the body. Therefore, Ayurveda recommends that we consume foods that complement each other, and avoid mixing foods that have contrasting qualities. This can help us maintain good health and prevent diseases.

Foods to Avoid Consuming or Pairing with Yogurt

1) Sour Fruits

The combination of sour fruits(e.g., citrus fruits like oranges, lemons, grapefruits...) and yogurt can disrupt the digestive fire (Agni) and produce harmful toxins in the body. This is because the sourness of fruits and the cooling nature of yogurt are opposing qualities that can cause an imbalance in the digestive system, leading to issues like bloating, gas, and indigestion. Therefore, it is advisable to avoid consuming these two together.

2) Some Tropical Fruits

Some tropical fruits like pineapple and kiwis are generally considered incompatible with yogurt in Ayurveda due to their tropical nature and acidity, which may clash with the cooling properties of yogurt. Combining these fruits with yogurt can lead to digestive discomfort or imbalances in some individuals.

3) Melons

Melons are best when consumed separately. Combining yogurt with watermelon or muskmelon is discouraged as it may lead to digestive issues. Keeping them separate is the way to go to savor the unique flavor and texture of each.

4) Cucumbers and Tomatoes

Combining cucumber and tomatoes with yogurt is not recommended in Ayurveda due to their conflicting qualities, which can upset the digestive process and cause imbalances in the body in some individuals.

5) Hot and Spicy Foods

According to Ayurveda, consuming yogurt with hot and spicy foods can create an imbalance in the pitta dosha, leading to acidity and inflammation in the body. Pitta dosha is one of the three doshas or energies that govern the human body, and it is associated with heat, metabolism, and digestion. When the pitta dosha is imbalanced, it can cause acidity and inflammation, which may lead to various health problems. Therefore, it is recommended to avoid consuming yogurt with hot and spicy foods in Ayurveda to maintain a healthy balance of the pitta dosha.

6) Eggs and Fish

In Ayurveda, the combination of eggs and fish with yogurt is generally considered incompatible. Eggs and fish have distinct qualities, and when combined with yogurt, it is believed to create an imbalance during digestion, leading to digestive discomfort.

7) Meat

Combining meat, including poultry, with yogurt is generally not recommended in Ayurveda. Meat and yogurt have different properties, and combining them is believed to create an incompatible mixture that may lead to digestive issues.

8) Green, Leafy Vegetables

In Ayurveda, it is not recommended to combine some green leafy vegetables, particularly those high in oxalic acid, such as spinach and beet greens, with yogurt. This combination may cause digestive issues and hinder the body's ability to absorb nutrients effectively.

9) Soy Products

Both soy products and dairy, particularly curd and yogurt, are heavy to digest and have distinct properties. Consuming them together may create an imbalanced mixture during digestion, leading to discomfort and disruption of the digestive process.

10) Fried Foods

Fried foods are generally heavy, and oily and have a heating effect on the body, while curd is cooling in nature. Combining these two opposing qualities can create an imbalance in the body and hinder the digestion process. Fried foods can be challenging to digest due to their heavy and oily nature. Combined with yogurt, it can further burden the digestive process, leading to indigestion and discomfort. Therefore, it is advisable to avoid consuming them together to maintain a healthy digestive system.

Can we drink Lassi after a meal with foods incompatible with curd?

two glasses filled with lassi and garnished with coriander leaves
Image source:

According to Ayurveda, lassi, a yogurt-based drink, is believed to have significant digestive benefits when consumed after lunch. However, sometimes the lunch menu may include items that are not compatible with curd or yogurt. In such cases, it is advisable to prepare lassi with spices such as cumin, mint, pepper, black salt, and hing. These spices can help enhance digestion without conflicting with incompatible foods, making it a healthier option.

Cumin is known to stimulate the digestive fire, while mint helps to cool and soothe the stomach. Pepper is a natural digestive stimulant that helps to break down food particles, and black salt aids in the secretion of digestive juices. Hing, also known as asafoetida, is a powerful spice that helps to reduce bloating and flatulence.

By adding these spices to lassi, you can enhance its digestive benefits and make it a healthier option. So, next time you have lunch, consider trying out the delicious and healthy lassi recipe with these spices to aid digestion and promote overall wellness.

Useful Tips!

  •  It is better to consume yogurt during the daytime instead of at night, as digestion tends to be stronger during the day and better supports assimilation.
  • Opt for fresh homemade yogurt or curd whenever possible. Fresh homemade curd is believed to have better digestive qualities compared to store-bought varieties.
  • It's best to consume yogurt at room temperature and avoid it being too cold, especially if you have a vatta imbalance.
  • Adjust your intake of yogurt based on your body's response. Some people may find it heavy to digest, while others may tolerate it well.

Combining foods is considered crucial for maintaining a harmonious balance within the body according to Ayurveda. To achieve holistic well-being, it's essential to adopt Ayurvedic principles into dietary habits. By mindfully connecting with the food we consume, we can better understand how it affects our bodies. This means that we should pay attention to the intricate balance within our bodies and how food can help or hinder it.

Stay Healthy, Stay Fit!

Disclaimer: This content, including advice, provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for a qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your doctor for more information.

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