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Image source: Who doesn't want to remain fit and young? I guess nobody! So, is that possible ?....YES! Slowing down the process of aging is possible. Our bodies have an incredible ability to repair and heal themselves, but for this to happen, we need to provide them with the proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle. However, don't expect miracles overnight. It's crucial to understand that there are no quick fixes, and achieving your ultimate goal requires patience and consistency. Therefore, here are 10 practical tips that you can follow to help you achieve your desired outcome. By following these tips, you can lead a healthier and happier life and slow down the aging process naturally. 1.) SOUND SLEEP Image source: Getting a good night's sleep is essential for maintaining a healthy and happy lifestyle. Sleep plays a crucial role in our health, as it helps our bodies recover and repair from the daily wear and tear.  Studies have shown tha...

Oil Pulling : | BENEFITS | How to do? | Which OIL to use? | Do's and Don'ts

In recent years, a lot has changed...from our thinking to the way we live and eat. People have started paying more attention to healthy lifestyles and healthy living. Their inclination towards health is increasing. They are becoming more and more health conscious and when it comes to oral health, there is definitely the talk of the concept of 'oil pulling'.

So, what is oil pulling? let's find out...

Image Source: @healthbooti
Oil Pulling

What is oil pulling?

Oil pulling is an ancient practice of swishing some edible oil in the mouth for some time to remove toxins, and bad bacteria and to promote oral hygiene. The time can stretch from 15 to 20 minutes as per convenience.

Oil pulling is not a new concept. It stems from the traditional Ayurvedic system of medicines, in India. In Ayurveda, this practice is known as Gandusha Kriya. It has been used for thousands of years to improve oral health. Its practitioners believe that this practice is capable of pulling out toxins from the body and improving oral health.

There are more than 100 types of bacteria found in the mouth. Most of them are not harmful, but some are. Oil pulling is a natural and Ayurvedic method to get these bad bacteria removed from the mouth. 

It is simple and easy to perform. It involves the use of an edible oil that is swished in all around the mouth. While swishing, the only thing to keep in mind is to keep the oil moving all around the mouth from one side to the other. Once the process is complete, the oil needs to be spit out then rinse the mouth well with water and brush your teeth to get off any remaining oil. 

Which oil is best for doing oil pulling?

Oil pulling should be done with pure edible pressed oils. Cold-pressed coconut oil, olive oil, and sesame oils are good for these purposes. Ayurvedic practitioners recommend using these oils due to their anti-bacterial nature.

While doing oil pulling, the oil could double in quantity due to the addition of saliva. Care should be taken not to swallow the oil as it may contain bad bacteria and toxins. Spit the oil into the trash (so that it would not clog the sink pipes) once the process is complete.

How to do oil pulling?

Oil pulling is easy to do and involves just a few simple steps.

  • Take a tablespoon of edible cold press oil of your choice.
  • Swish it all around your mouth from one side to another and also force through the teeth for about 15 to 20 minutes or take the time as per your convenience.
  • Spit the oil when you are done. The oil may appear frothy and white.
  • Rinse the mouth thoroughly with water and brush your teeth.



Bad breath is a common issue and can be due to coated tongue, food debris, tooth decay, cavities, gum diseases, etc. Practicing oil pulling regularly, especially with cold-pressed coconut oil can prevent the buildup of bad bacteria that leads to tooth decay, gum diseases, and eventually bad breath. 

Cold-pressed coconut oil is said to have antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory properties, which make it a good choice for practicing oil pulling.


As we all know there are hundreds of bacteria living in our mouths. Not all are harmful, but these that are bad bacteria create problems for oral health. Tooth decay, toothache, cavity, gum swelling and bleeding, plaque building, etc., are all results of improper oral care. 

Oil pulling is a natural and harmless way of preventing oral hygiene. Oil pulling, if done regularly and in the right way, can kill harmful bacteria in the mouth. It works the same way as modern mouthwashes. It is mouthwash by an edible oil. Natural and safe at the same time. 


A healthy mouth makes the foundation for the entire body. Oil pulling is one of the best and most natural methods of removing bacteria and pulling out harmful toxins from the body, improving overall health. 

While doing oil pulling, as we swish the oil around our mouth, saliva present in the mouth absorbs the harmful toxins and mixes with the oil. And with spitting, we expel all the harmful bacteria from our mouths. 


A sparkling set of shiny white teeth can make one look attractive and healthier. There are so many causes that make the teeth dull over time. Certain foods, red wine, excessive intake of tea and coffee, cola drinks, etc., can make the teeth yellow and dull over time. Plaque buildup can also make the teeth look yellow. 

Oil pulling is a natural way to regain the shine of the teeth at a low cost. Using cold-pressed coconut oil is best for this purpose. Its practitioners claim it to be an effective method not only for removing harmful bacteria but also for whitening teeth and reducing plaque formation.


Poor oral care is the main cause of plaque formation on teeth. The building up of plaque on the teeth is one of the main causes of gum diseases. Swollen gums, bleeding gums, painful gums, and pus in gums are all associated with it. 

Oil pulling is said to be effective in reducing the formation of plaque. Its practitioners believe that oil pulling especially with cold-pressed coconut oil, significantly decreases the formation of plaque and makes the gums stronger and disease-free.   


Every day, many types of harmful toxins enter the body unknowingly through the air, water, the food we eat, etc. The body's immune system, liver, and kidneys have to work harder to keep the toxins away from the body. 

The practice of oil pulling is a good way of removing and pulling out toxins from the body, easing out the work of most of our body organs. It also saves the energy of the body.

Its practitioners believe that its regular practice clears the sinuses and related headaches, reduces congestion, and improves liver function. 

Oil pulling is also said to have an amazing effect on the skin. Its regular practice helps get clearer, glowing, blemish-free skin.

 DO'S and DON'TS


  • It's better to practice oil pulling in the morning on an empty stomach.
  • It's always better to choose pure edible cold-pressed oils for oil pulling.
  • Spit the oil once you have done oil pulling.
  • Rinse and brush the teeth well after oil pulling to get rid of any remaining toxins or oil.
  • Choose the duration of oil pooling at your convenience. Start with five to seven minutes and gradually increase the time. The ideal time would be 15 to 20 minutes.


  • Do not swallow the oil as it may contain toxins and harmful bacteria.
  • Do not start gargling with this oil as it may loaded with toxins.
  • Do not try to talk or laugh while doing oil pulling as that would eventually lead to swallowing or spitting of some oil.
  • If you are allergic to certain oils, make sure not to use them in oil pulling.


  • Though oil pulling has so many benefits for oral health. Do not take it as a replacement for the standard mouth care we all have been doing for so long (brushing and flossing twice daily). Instead, make it an addition to your oral hygiene routine.
  • The best time to do this practice is in the morning on an empty stomach.
  • The quantity of the oil sometimes doubles while doing oil pulling. In that case, spit out some of the oil and continue the process.
Stay Healthy, Stay Fit!

Disclaimer: This content, including advice, provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for a qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your doctor for more information.

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