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Showing posts from May, 2022



Image source: Who doesn't want to remain fit and young? I guess nobody! So, is that possible ?....YES! Slowing down the process of aging is possible. Our bodies have an incredible ability to repair and heal themselves, but for this to happen, we need to provide them with the proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle. However, don't expect miracles overnight. It's crucial to understand that there are no quick fixes, and achieving your ultimate goal requires patience and consistency. Therefore, here are 10 practical tips that you can follow to help you achieve your desired outcome. By following these tips, you can lead a healthier and happier life and slow down the aging process naturally. 1.) SOUND SLEEP Image source: Getting a good night's sleep is essential for maintaining a healthy and happy lifestyle. Sleep plays a crucial role in our health, as it helps our bodies recover and repair from the daily wear and tear.  Studies have shown tha

Oil Pulling : | BENEFITS | How to do? | Which OIL to use? | Do's and Don'ts

I n recent years, a lot has changed...from our thinking to the way we live and eat. People have started paying more attention to healthy lifestyles and healthy living. Their inclination towards health is increasing. They are becoming more and more health conscious and when it comes to oral health, there is definitely the talk of the concept of 'oil pulling' . So, what is oil pulling? let's find out... Image Source: @healthbooti Oil Pulling What is oil pulling? Oil pulling is an ancient practice of swishing some edible oil in the mouth for some time to remove toxins, and bad bacteria and to promote oral hygiene. The time can stretch from 15 to 20 minutes as per convenience. Oil pulling is not a new concept. It stems from the traditional Ayurvedic system of medicines, in India. In Ayurveda, this practice is known as Gandusha Kriya. It has been used for thousands of years to improve oral health. Its practitioners believe that this practice is capable of pulling out toxins fro

Top 5 FOODS to Beat the HEAT of Summers!

T emperature is rising and extreme heat can make you feel dry, dehydrated, and dizzy. To combat the negative effects of extreme heat, it's crucial to incorporate foods into your diet that keep you well-hydrated and energized. So that you can feel refreshed and ready to take on the day, no matter what the weather brings. Image source: During the summer season, it is essential to pay attention to our diet to keep ourselves healthy and protected from the scorching heat. In India, the temperatures can soar up to 47-48 degrees Celsius in some regions, making it crucial to consume foods that not only keep the body cool but also protect it from the heat.  To help you make better dietary choices, we have compiled a list of the top 5 foods that you should consider adding to your diet during summer. These foods are not only nutritious but also have cooling properties that can help you beat the heat. So, make sure to include these foods in your diet to stay healthy and refreshed d