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Image source: Who doesn't want to remain fit and young? I guess nobody! So, is that possible ?....YES! Slowing down the process of aging is possible. Our bodies have an incredible ability to repair and heal themselves, but for this to happen, we need to provide them with the proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle. However, don't expect miracles overnight. It's crucial to understand that there are no quick fixes, and achieving your ultimate goal requires patience and consistency. Therefore, here are 10 practical tips that you can follow to help you achieve your desired outcome. By following these tips, you can lead a healthier and happier life and slow down the aging process naturally. 1.) SOUND SLEEP Image source: Getting a good night's sleep is essential for maintaining a healthy and happy lifestyle. Sleep plays a crucial role in our health, as it helps our bodies recover and repair from the daily wear and tear.  Studies have shown tha

9 reasons Why you Should Consume Tulsi everyday?

Tulsi - a natural remedy for many health problems! Tulsi or Holy Basil Image source: Tulsi, also known as Holy Basil, is a sacred and aromatic plant that is an intrinsic part of Hindu culture. It can be found easily in the house of every Hindu Indian family, and its significance in Hindu mythology and traditions is unparalleled. The tulsi plant has been known and revered since the Vedic period and is regarded by Hindus as the earthly manifestation of the goddess Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth. It is believed to be the holiest of all plants, and the soil around it is considered sacred. Caring for a tulsi plant is considered to be a pious act, and it is believed that a person who waters and tends to the plant daily gains the divine grace of God Vishnu. The plant is slightly bitter and pungent in taste, but it is a tonic for the whole body, and from the leaves to the seed, the Holy Basil plant can provide tremendous health benefits ! The leaves of the tulsi plant are rich in an

Surya Namaskar - How to do Sun salutation step by step?... With Benefits!

Image source: Canva Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutation is a practice in yoga,  consists of some twelve gracefully linked asanas. S urya Namaskar is a complete workout for our entire physical system and is considered the best exercise for human beings. When done in the right way and at the right time, Surya Namaskar can totally transform you from the way you look to the way you feel! Regular practicing Surya namaskar, ensures the breaking down of calories, shedding extra weight, flexibility to the body, better digestion...It also enhances concentration, energy levels, peacefulness, and a positive attitude toward life and thoughts. Overall it revitalizes your body and mind! Basic Instructions that should be followed before doing Surya Namaskar  Though Surya namaskar can be done at any time of the day, the most appropriate and beneficial time would be around sunrise. The place where you will practice Surya namaskar, should be spacious, airy, and clean. Surya Namaskar or any yoga asanas shou

Foods that help Reduce Stress!

Image source: In today's fast-paced world, stress has become an inevitable part of every individual's life. It can affect our overall health and well-being, both mentally and physically. When a person is under stress, their body undergoes several changes, such as increased heart rate, rapid breathing, sweating, and the release of stress hormones. These changes can cause harm to our digestive system, negatively impact our immune system, and increase the risk of various illnesses. If a person is exposed to prolonged periods of stress, it can lead to various ailments such as obesity, heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and depression. Even children are not immune to stress, and they often face stress related to their studies. However, certain foods can help combat stress and reduce its negative impacts:  1. HOLY BASIL(Tulsi) One of the most effective natural remedies for reducing stress levels is the consumption of holy basil leaves regularly. The holy

Monsoon Care Tips!

With the sweet smell of wet earth  and running droplets on window panes,  here comes the Monsoon! Image source: We all love the sound of rain pouring down from the sky. Monsoon brings with it the magic of sound, happiness, smiles, and relief from the heat and humidity of summer. However, it also brings a lot of mess, viral and bacterial infections. With the world already fighting against the coronavirus, we certainly do not want more viruses and infections in our lives. Therefore, to stay safe and enjoy this weather to the fullest, here are some Monsoon Care Tips: MONSOON CARE TIPS 1) AVOID STREET FOODS It is highly recommended to steer clear of street foods if you wish to maintain good health. Consuming foods that are sold on the streets can be a risky proposition as they are often prepared in unsanitary conditions. Despite the efforts of food vendors to maintain cleanliness, it is difficult to ensure proper hygiene, particularly in inclement weather. Therefore, it

ACIDITY: FOODS that HELP| Home Remedies| DO'S and DON'TS

Our stomach secretes acid which helps in breaking down the food we eat during the digestion process. When the stomach produces more acid than is needed for the digestion process, it results in the condition known as acidity. Image source: In today's fast-paced world, our lives are becoming increasingly busy and demanding. We juggle a multitude of tasks and responsibilities, often with limited time to complete them. This busy lifestyle has had a significant impact on our overall well-being, particularly when it comes to our eating habits. We tend to grab quick and convenient meals on the go, which are often high in fat, sugar, and processed ingredients.  As a result, we are more prone to experiencing digestive issues such as acidity, which can cause discomfort, pain, and other health complications. We must prioritize our health and make conscious decisions about what we eat, to maintain a healthy and balanced lifestyle. COMMON SYMPTOMS burning sensation or pain below the

Can YOGA Slow Down Ageing?

Image source: Do you experience low energy levels or stiffness in your body when you wake up in the morning? Have you recently gained weight or been having digestive issues? Or perhaps you may find yourself misplacing items frequently or struggling to sleep well at night? As we age, our bodies undergo a range of physiological changes that can affect our physical and mental well-being. We may find ourselves struggling with reduced energy levels, cognitive decline, and a decrease in overall physical fitness. However, there is a simple yet effective solution to combat these challenges - the practice of YOGA! Yoga is an ancient practice that involves performing a series of postures and exercises, known as asanas, that work to strengthen and tone our muscles, increase our flexibility, and improve our balance and coordination. But yoga is not just about physical fitness - it is also a powerful tool for harmonizing our mind, body, and breath. Through the practice of yoga, w

Top 10 Traditional Summer Coolant Drinks of India!

Image source: pexels/edited There is nothing better to quench the thirst than a glass of refreshing drink, in the lazy hot afternoons of summer...right ?  But what if you could enjoy a drink that not only refreshes you but also takes care of your health? This Summer, why not indulge in traditional Indian drinks that are not only delicious but also good for you? Traditional Indian Summer Drinks Of India This summer, consider treating yourself to some traditional Indian drinks that offer not only delicious flavor but also a range of health benefits. From the tangy and sweet flavors of aam panna made from raw mangoes to the cooling and soothing properties of buttermilk, the options are endless. These drinks not only provide a refreshing respite from the heat, but also help to balance your body's internal temperature, boost digestion and immunity, and keep you hydrated.  So why not add some variety to your summer beverage repertoire and try out these delicious and healthy drinks? 1) Aa